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The Profile Committee has completed our parish profile, and it has been submitted to our Diocese for review and uploading to various sites used to recruit clergy.   You can review the profile by clicking the link below:

Our Parish Profile


We commend the Profile Committee members for their hard work in producing such a professional document.  They are:   Kim Dickson, Paula Alvarez, Kathy Koljack, Faith Liston, and Kenner Wignall.


The Search Committee will now get ready to begin working with the Diocese to begin the actual search, Search Committee members are Charla Isbell, Susan Whitworth, Paul Strickland, Kim Dickson,

David Ray, Pam Inkster, and Robert Bohanon.


If you have ever served on a search committee, we invite you to share your experience with our Search Committee and let them know what worked and what maybe didn’t work so well.


As you might expect, there are expenses involved in a search such as this.  We want to offer you an opportunity to contribute toward these expenses if you choose to do so in several different ways:


· By offering frequent flyer airline points to purchase airline flights

· By offering hotel points for accommodations

· By offering to host a dinner in your home for a candidate and family (if applicable) and some search committee members

· By offering to drive a candidate and family around town to see local sights and neighborhoods

· By providing childcare for a candidate’s children if necessary

· By contributing monetarily to an established fund for these expenses (indicate Rector Search expense on your check)


Pray for your vestry and for St. Patrick's and continue to support your church in any way you can during these next months. If you have any questions, feel free to talk with Susan Whitworth (Senior Warden), Liz Muratet (Senior Warden-Elect) or any vestry member.

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