Saint Patrick’s Episcopal Church is a vibrant, growing, and welcoming community. Whether you are returning to church after a time away or are new to the faith, looking for a new church home or simply seeking a place to worship quietly, please know that you are welcome at Saint Patrick’s Episcopal Church.
The Women’s Group is open to all women/men of the parish 18 years and older. The mission of this group is for the women of Saint Patrick’s to get to know each other better, in the spirit of Christ, through friendship, laughter, service and knowledge. Currently, the group meets for a variety of activities which are announced through church publications and emails. This group also sponsors an annual retreat which provides a time for rest, relaxation and reflection.
The Men’s Group meets regularly for fellowship. All men/women eighteen and older are welcome to participate in the various activities of this group throughout the year. Activities are posted on the bulletin board and publicized in the monthly newsletter and weekly Sunday bulletin. The Men’s Group sponsors the Annual Chili Cook-off and Silent Auction in January and the Shrove Tuesday dinner each February to provide money for summer camp scholarships for all St. Patrick’s camp participants, as well as an annual retreat generally held in the spring or summer.
The Silver Saints group offers social and spiritual activities specifically for older members of the parish and the community at large. The “membership” requirement for the group is eligibility for retirement benefits or anyone 60+ years of age. These very special, long-time parishioners are the heart and soul of our church and, as such, are entitled to some special care!
We try to enjoy an activity once a month on the third Thursday of the month, which might include going out to lunch at a local restaurant, playing cards or bunko at the church, touring the flower gardens in the spring, viewing Christmas lights, or taking in a local play or concert. To make participation as easy as possible, we provide transportation for those who are unable or unwilling to drive at night or to unfamiliar locations.
Tables of Grace is a small-group activity consisting of members of the parish who meet once a month on the third week of each month for a meal, prayer and fellowship. The groups will meet for three months. Members will rotate hosting the groups and provide the main dish. Everyone else provides a dish to share.
Pre-K - 5th Grade
There are many opportunities for children and youth at St. Patrick’s. Our program for our youngest children is called Before Youth Group (BYG). Ages for this group are Pre-K through 5th grade. This group is designed to help foster friendships between church friends prior to becoming a part of the youth group of the parish. Events are held at least quarterly that can be inclusive of the family or just for the children.
6th-12th Grade
SPY is our youth group, which meets weekly and includes youth in sixth through twelfth grades. This group is structured to provide service, fun, devotion and discussion each month. SPY meets from 12:00-2:00pm on Sunday afternoons. There is an annual mission trip which provides a service opportunity.
The Fellowship Committee plans and presents various special events and activities throughout the year, including the Easter brunch, baptismal receptions, and Christmas Eve receptions. This committee can always use an extra pair of hands! If you enjoy preparing or planning enjoyable events with other enjoyable people, this is the place for you!
This committee is responsible for the financial matters of the church and makes recommendations to the Vestry for its consideration and approval. This committee also prepares the annual budget for presentation to the parish at the Annual Meeting.
We believe that we cannot merely focus our efforts on ourselves here at St. Patrick’s. This is why we devote much of our time and financial resources toward outreach in our community through entities that are supported and recommended by our parishioners. The Outreach Committee meets monthly to determine where these funds will be allocated and to consider requests.
The Gratitude Trust was established in 2009. Donations to the Trust have been given as honorariums and in celebration of that which we hold dear - births and birthdays, baptisms and weddings, in memory of our loved ones, or just to say “thanks” in gratitude for the work and mission of St. Patrick’s. Earnings from the Trust are used to establish an annual Grant fund. Grant requests that meet the criteria of our missions of Outreach, Education, Youth, and/or Evangelism may be made by a representative of any organization.
The word “liturgy,” which we also use to refer to our worship service, means “work of the people,” and our services quite literally require the work of many people each week.
Serving in a worship service either in front of or behind the scenes can bring new meaning and perspective to your worship experience, and there are a variety of ways to take part.
Acolytes serve as torchbearers, banner carrier, crucifer, or server during both worship services as well as other liturgical celebrations. Adults and all youth age seven and over are welcome to serve. Training is predominantly done online by viewing our acolyte training videos here. If needed, in-person training can be scheduled upon request.
The Altar Guild prepares and cares for the altar and its linens, vestments, and vessels.
Bread bakers prepare the bread used for our Communion. Click here to download the Altar Bread recipe.
Chalicifers offer the wine during Communion.
Teachers and co-teachers are always needed to serve on Sunday mornings to minister to the youngest in our parish. Teachers are generally scheduled once each month and are provided with a complete, detailed lesson plan to use each Sunday.
Counters volunteer to collect and count the offering after each service and record this information for bank deposit. Each counter is asked to serve no more than once a month and performs this service with one other person. Accounting experience is not required!
Eucharistic Visitors take Communion from the Sunday service to those who are unable to attend church because they are ill, homebound or in a long-term care facility. Eucharistic Visitors are trained at St. Patrick’s and licensed by the Diocese of Oklahoma.
Greeters ensure that visitors, newcomers, and regular members at St. Patrick’s experience Christ’s hospitality and welcome by greeting at each service and providing information and follow-up to those who wish it.
Lectors and Lay Readers read the Scripture lessons or the Prayers of the People during worship. They can also lead Stations of the Cross during Lent and Morning Prayer services.
Music is a very important part of the worship service at St. Patrick’s. The traditional men and women’s choir presents anthems and special music for regular 10:30 Sunday services and special music at Easter, Christmas and other special holiday services. There are also many opportunities for those who play an instrument to be involved as well. Brass, wind and string instruments are often used in special services, such as Easter and Christmas.
When we are in community with each other, we are there for each other in good times and in challenging times.
Individuals or families in need of pastoral care may contact the church at 918-294-9444. If your call occurs during non-work hours, you will be greeted with a message providing an emergency number you can call.
An important element of our life in Christian community is our prayer with and for one another. Those wishing prayer for themselves or a loved one may place that name on the Prayers of the People by calling the parish office, or by emailing Suzanne Shepherd, Parish Administrator or simply writing it in on the sheet on Sunday morning. Names are published in the weekly Prayers of the People and will be removed each week unless the need continues.
Private intercessory prayer is available through our Intercessory Prayer Group, a group of individuals who have committed to daily prayer for those who are in need of prayer for various reasons. All of these prayer requests are not included on the Sunday Prayers of the People. Prayer requests for this list may be made by calling the parish office, or by emailing Suzanne Shepherd, Parish Administrator. All prayer requests are confidential. If you would like to serve as a member of the Prayer Group, please contact the Parish Administrator.
St. Patrick’s offers a periodic Grief Support Series, led by Deacon Cindy Ritter, for anyone experiencing grief that accompanies loss. This is a group that meets to offer support, understanding, and companionship during this difficult journey while sharing individual experiences with each other.
On the first Wednesday of each month and each Sunday morning service, the clergy offers prayers for healing with anointing and the laying on of hands during the service, which begins at 6:30 p.m.
Members of this ministry prepare comforting prayer blankets for those facing surgery or serious illness as an outward reminder of God’s love and the support of their parish family. Parishioners tie a knot in the blanket as a symbolic reflection of their love and prayers for the individual receiving the blanket.
Members who are in the hospital for extended stays or outpatient procedures can generally expect a visit from one of our clergy or other members of the body each day. We ask that you let us know of planned or emergency hospitalizations for yourself or a loved one by calling the parish office, or by emailing Suzanne Shepherd, Parish Administrator.